Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Practice Questions (Chapter 2)

1. At t = 0 s

(A) Rider C is ahead of rider D.
(B) Rider D is ahead of rider C.
(C) Rider C and D are at the same position.

2. At t = 0 s

(A) C is moving, and D is at rest.
(B) D is moving, and C is at rest.
(C) C and D are both moving.
(D) C and D are both at rest.

3 . At t = 0 s

(A) C has a greater velocity than D.
(B) D has a greater velocity than C.
(C) C and D have the same velocity.
(D) C is accelerating.

4. At t = 10 s

(A) C and D are at the same position.
(B) C and D have the same velocity.
(C) The velocity of D is greater than the velocity of C.
(D) C is in front of D.

5. During the first 8 s

(A) C has decreasing velocity and D has increasing velocity.
(B) C and D both have decreasing velocities.
(C) C and D have the same velocity.
(D) C has the same average velocity as D.

6. During the first 8 s

(A) the magnitude of the acceleration of C is greater than the magnitude of D's acceleration.
(B) their accelerations are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign.
(C) their accelerations are equal in magnitude and equal in sign.

7.Based on all the graphical information

(A) they meet at the same position at t = 8 s.
(B) they will meet at the same position, at t = 10 s.
(C) they will never meet at the same position.
(D) not enough information is given to decide if they meet.

8. Which graph represents an object at rest?





9 . How is motion in the negative x direction represented on an x vs. t plot?

(A) By a curve to the left of the origin.
(B) By a curve below the horizontal axis.
(C) By a downward sloping curve.
(D) Such a motion cannot be shown on a simple x vs. t graph.

10. What is the meaning of a horizontal line on a plot of v vs. t?

(A) The object is at rest.
(B) The object is moving at constant speed.
(C) The object is speeding up at a constant rate.
(D) The object is accelerating at a constant non-zero rate.

11. If a car accelerates from rest in the positive direction

(A) its final velocity is zero.
(B) its initial position is zero.
(C) its initial velocity is zero.
(D) its acceleration is negative.

12. A car accelerating from rest at 2.0 m/s2 for 5 s

(A) covers a distance of 10 m.
(B) has a final speed of 10 m/s.
(C) covers a distance of 50 m.
(D) has an average velocity of 10 m/s.

13. In this problem "up" is taken to be positive.
A ball is dropped off a high cliff

(A) and its initial velocity is zero.
(B) and its final velocity is positive.
(C) and its acceleration is 9.8 m/s2.
(D) and its acceleration is -9.8 m/s.

14. In this problem "up" is taken to be positive.
A ball is thrown straight up in the air; at the very top its

(A) velocity is negative.
(B) acceleration is zero.
(C) its acceleration is 9.8 m/s2.
(D) its acceleration is -9.8 m/s2.

15. In this problem "up" is taken to be positive.
A vertically upward thrown rock has a

(A) positive initial velocity.
(B) positive final velocity.
(C) positive acceleration.
(D) positive final height.

16. In this problem "up" is taken to be positive.
A falling object has

(A) positive acceleration and positive velocity.
(B) negative acceleration and negative velocity.
(C) positive acceleration and negative velocity.
(D) negative acceleration and positive velocity.

17 . In this problem "up" is taken to be positive.
An object moving upward under the influence of gravity has

(A) positive acceleration and positive velocity.
(B) negative acceleration and negative velocity.
(C) positive acceleration and negative velocity.
(D) negative acceleration and positive velocity.

18. In this problem "up" is taken to be positive.
A ball thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity of 19.6 m/s, after 5 s has a final velocity of

(A) 19.6 m/s.
(B) -19.6 m/s.
(C) 29.4 m/s.
(D) -29.4 m/s.

19 . An object is shot upward at 34.3 m/s. How high does it go?

(A) 60.0 meters
(B) 180.1 meters
(C) 102.9
20 . Ball A is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 19.6 m/s from the topedge of a high building. As it passes the edge on the way down, a second ball, B, is thrown downward at 19.6 m/s. Which of the following is correct?
(A) Ball A hits the ground before B.
(B) The two balls hit the ground at the same time.
(C) Ball B hits the ground before A.
21. A car moving right to left applies the brakes. Its

(A) velocity and acceleration are both positive.
(B) velocity and acceleration are both negative.
(C) velocity is negative and its acceleration is positive.
(D) velocity is positive and its acceleration is negative.
22. A ball is dropped off a ledge. How far does it fall in the 2nd second?

(A) 4.9 meters
(B) 9.8 meters
(C) 14.7 meters
(D) 19.6 meters
23. Ball A is thrown upward at the same time as ball B and with half the speed of ball B. Which of the following is true?

(A) They will hit the ground at the same time.
(B) A will hit before B.
(C) B will hit before A.

24.Ball A is thrown upward at the same time as ball B and with half the speed of ball B. How much higher does B go than A?

(A) 8 times.
(B) 4 times.
(C) 2 times.
(D) Not enough information is given to answer this question.

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